♡ geocolouredlenses review ♡

Hello my cuties,

But I'm behind as usual and need to get everything done, because I'm heading off on July 22nd to Spain with my boyfriend to see my friends who are from and living in spain!

So today I have a review from the fabulous GeoColouredLenses
So today I will be review their Geo Cafe Mimi Macchiato

Geo coloured lenses, are an amazing company!
They're so helpful and the website is super user friendly
Free shipping on all orders and incredible quality & comfort?
What else could you want...
Cheap prices?
These lenses are currently $23.50/£13.72/€17.28

oh i kind of sound like those infomercials? But come on cheap high quality lenses I had to tell you~

So on to the review~

I chose the lenses on Apr 1st (yes I'm behind on reviews, but I'm human ;w;)
And I received them, Apr 18th for free shipping that's really quite unusual! 

The lenses arrived all safe and snug with their own case (always ask if you will be getting a lense case with any company just in case you receive your lenses and have no where to put them!)

 imageAlways Remember:image
After opening your lens viles leave the contacts in your case for 8 hours before putting them in your eyes!And don't forget to take care of your contact lens cases along with properly disinfecting your big eye contacts. Do sterilize your contact lens cases once a month and recycle contact lens cases after three months.

When Applying Lenses:

Make sure your hands are clean and always put your lenses into your eyes BEFORE applying your make-up!

After cleaning your hands place one lens on your index finger, starting with your right eye use the the hand that's lens free to pull down your right eyelid.

Place the lens on your eye and when its inserted release your finger and blink.

If the lens is comfortable you're fine.
If not remove the lens put it back into the solution and start again.

Lens info:

Colour: Brown
Diameter: 15mm
Base Curve: 8.70mm
Water Content: 40.2%
Life Span: 1 year

As you can see the lenses are super vibrant, they are the most vibrant and vivid lenses I own, the detail on them isn't just seen up close but far away too.
I hate with some lenses how the design is cute, they're comfy but once your far away they just look black/dull or only show up in natural light.
These are perfect!
They're 15mm so they're very comfortable and the design gives a natural look or a cute dolly look.

(Wigless natural light photo)
My eyes are naturally blue-grey and they blend beautifully with these lenses no harsh lines showing where my eye ends and the lens begins!

I really recommend these lenses and Geo because they have never let me down!
I give these lenses~

Thank you for reading!

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