Hai Dollies.

Today I'm talking about a new pair of Lenses from KPOP2.
KPOP2 sponsored me to choose and try out a pair of their lenses.

The Lenses were out on July 11th and I received them on July 17th.
Just six days from Korea to Ireland!

The Lenses Arrived in a pink extra padded envelope.
Inside the envelope was my lovely new circle lenses which were also wrapped in bubble wrap and a lens case.
Here you can see the Lens Vessels.
I got my lenses in plano (0.00) as I don't need glasses everyday, just for reading or extended computer use.
After opening your Geo capsules leave the contacts in your case or the animal case for 8 hours before putting them in your eyes!
I left my lenses over night then the next morning I put my lenses on and applied my make up as usual.
Diameter: 14.0mm
Graphic Diameter: 13.2
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
The colour is better with natural light but sadly indoors it just appears black, with my natural blue in the middle.

Both taken with natural light and no editing.
Enlargement: 4/5
The enlargement isn't as obvious as I like it with my lenses, I prefer the cartoon effect.
My natural Iris is quite large so I would of preferred if they had of been larger.
Comfort: 5/5
I had no trouble putting the lenses in, my eyes didn't tear or look irritated.
I put in both lenses with one try.
I wore them for 6 hours with no discomfort.
(if it's your first time using lenses don't exceed 2 hours on your first try)
Colour: 2/5
I loved the colour and design of these lenses when I saw them online and in their vessels but sadly it took a lot of light for me to see the purple in them.
They photograph well up close but from a distance it's hardly noticeable
I have naturally blue eyes and I would recommend these lenses for people with dark eyes, I found they didn't blend well with my eye colour.
Overall: 3.5/5
Very comfortable and I feel they would really suit someone with darker eyes.
however I've marked it down purely because the colour wasn't what I had imagined!

Thank you KPOP2 for allowing me to review your lenses!
I really recommend KPOP2 for cosplay lesnes, they're quick delivery, quick applying and comfortable for long days at an expo.
Everyone check out the store, there is currently a number of lenses which are just $10.
There is every size and every colour for every Cosplay possible or everyday wear.
Thank you for reading.