Hello Sugar-plums.

I've been a tad busy for the past few weeks, which most of you know if you follow me on my other sites (if you don't i'll link them all below)
So today I'm review another Wig from Sololita.

About the store:

Sololita are a leading online supplier for lolita clothing and accessories, they sell Sweet Lolita, Classic Gothic & Punk , The most adorable wigs, as well as amazing quality shoes and the cutest accessories.

Delivery details:

I chose the wig that I wanted on Nov.18th and I received it on Nov.25th from China.
I was really impressed by this!
The wig came to me all snug in a thick parcel with a zip lock bag that had my wig in it inside a hair net.
Sololita gives you a wig cap with every wig purchase which is brilliant!
Onto the review:

The colours in the wig are VERY vibrant and suited my skin tones, however the colours didn't blend as much as i would of liked them to and the bright colours made the wig look very synthetic.
You can style & curl/straighten this wig.

I wore the wig for about 3 hours & it didn't frizz! It stayed silky looking and shiny, I would recommend putting talcum powder on your hands and massaging it through the wig if the shine in any wig is too much!
I used a wide tooth comb to brush the tangles out of the curls but they just bounced back to normal.

The one thing I wasn't too fond of about this wig was the fringe it was too big for my head and made the wig look cheaper than it was!
The fringe fell strange on my face.
As you can see in the photos above
I simply back combed/teased the fringe with a thin tooth comb and styled it as a side bang or side fringe.
The minute I did this I fell in love with the wig. It just needed to be styled to my face!

I give this wig:

2 marks down because the full fringe, didn't suit my face, the colours are ligther in the photos on the store & the colours didn't blend
Other than that this wig is really nice

Find this store: here
Thank you for reading and have some photos of me being silly.

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